Tuesday 24 April 2007

Critical thinking

In general, I don't like spending time with critical people.  I think of critical people as agressive.  I wonder why that is.....I don't enjoy thinking critically - or what I think thinking critically involves, maybe I haven't really understood it properly, and I'm not in the habit either..so taking a module which requires it, assesses me on the activity no less....blimey!  Maybe it's because I'm lazy or maybe it's because I don't like confrontation....but I prefer taking things for what they are, appreciating them for what they are, rather than always approaching life with a critical eye.  However I am starting to recognise that criticism CAN be constructive if it's done properly. And there are many very gentle people who can think critically.  For them, critical thinking is about being thoughtful.  Offering thoughtful responses.  The difference then is that I see overtly critical people as constantly expressing their opinions...thoughtful people as not making their thoughts necessarily public. Of ocurse they'll have to at some point...and I think then it's in the delivery and in the intention......  

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David Andrew said...

I think a lot of good critical thinking is just thinking from different perspectives - not taking one line but exploring alternatives.

didn't get on the leadership course said...

...and if we continue to follow this line of thought, then I suppose you could say...reflective thinking means trying to look at your own approach from various angles in order to become more self-aware and as a result, better at critical thinking?