Monday, 7 May 2007

My attitude to change – and why I need to be careful when it comes encouraging change and introducing change.

I am not
exactly an innovator when it comes to change.  I would say an early adopter, sometimes part
of the early majority.  When it came to
computers I was SLLOOOOW.  Being an
artist I saw getting to grips with computers as the antithesis of my own
discipline.  So I of all people should
understand where many lecturers are coming from.  However once I GET something I want change to
happen really fast.  I can be impatient.  This is not at all helpful when trying to
encourage change in others.  I need to
make sure to:


  • Tie it in with strategy and existing initiatives
  • Rember that learning technology IS NOT the
    be-all and end-all as I sometimes think it is.I get tired of it too.  Don’t want to suddenley realise I’ve
    pushed things too far – I love face-to-face interaction as much as the
    next person.  I get pissed off
    sitting in front of the computer.
  • Stop being a total perfectionist, learn to
    compromise, recognise if I care about people, enabling them now, not just
    enabling some imaginary students and teachers in the future is important.
  • Take a phased approach, I need to recognise that
    things don’t happen overnight
  •  Remember I can't do everything at once either – I have a huge list of things I'd like to change in my own practice, but if I rush things, the experience could be just a bit too daunting and even if some things work, I won't know which bits worked and which bits might not have.
  • If something didn't work, I have to learn not to give up immediately.  That change requires perserverance.  I mustn't panic and overreact.  Don’t abandon strategies
    because I get scared.  Really got to try
  • I have seen myself how easy it is to SAY things
    are a good idea but not actually get around to DOING them.
  • Need to be careful not to isolate ourselves from
    instructors. (Oliver)

innovative research is all we do, we run the risk of not connecting, of
producing nothing that is relevant and meaningful to their daily
practices.  It would be particularly
ironic for our research to end up unread because we could not establish a
connection” Oliver

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