Sunday 29 April 2007

Stream of consciousness during Seriously Mobile seminar

Successful business men and women, people with vision at every level, regardless of their focus, understand the importance of technologies for learning and have an impressive level of understanding.

The world is changing - skills students need are different nowadays. 70% of jobs created in the US in 1998 require high levels of judgement, involve ambiguity. We need to think different about how we develp people.

We need to be careful not to adopt new technologies in the same way we adopt old technologies - try to avoid old mistakes - TV copied theatre, radio copied books, at the moment a lot of elearning copies books....requires new approaches. Fears also get recycled - our fear of digital games was echoed in our worry about how TV would effect children - but it even extends to Victorian times and hysteria over the novel - that it would stunt social interaction.

The university nneeds to foster a culture of digital innovation. better online presence and communication.

eLearning nowadays is not about content - it's about being connected, and it's about context. It's also about students generating their own content. LEGO - excellent example of how user generated content has been used to engage all learners - user community sharing knowledge. This is what students need to know how to do. It's about JWN - not only just in time, but just when you need it

elearning allows for cheap mass media in a way that was not possible with television or publishing. The long tail..

Maybe TLTC staff could work increasingly with departments. Makes sense to develop better relationships with departments.

We are increasingly "always on". What about the digital divide? how do mobile technologies help us to leap the divide? Refer to mLearn South Africa - use of mobile phones for teaching and learning

Talk to Simon about running a class in SL

We need to trust students more. If they don't come to lectures it's for a reason surely? They are paying, the can't think it's worth it. I would be happy if my students preferred to learn online, and I could give them more one-on-one time. Students are consumers. Should we be forcing them to come to lectures? Might be worth asking them why they don't come to lectures? Ask them what they WANT. My only question here would be - do students know what's best for them? Will their motivations to study change as they grow up? I think basic needs will be the same. I didn't like my lectures - I only attended them because I was brought up thinking you should never miss lessons. But I thought they were pretty boring. I would have been much more interested if I could have seen that they would really prepare me for real life somehow. It should be about helping students achieve their life's desires. These are the same now as they were then. WE SHOULD BE TEACHING STUDENTS TO BE BETTER AT LIVING NOT JUST BETTER CALLING IT LEARNING. And this means we should be showing them how essential learning is to living, and not encouraging them to think that learning only takes place within the university walls. Learning takes place everywhere and I think universities should be plugging into that. Take that into account. Supporting this, helping students recognise this by making it a reality as soon as possible, during their university life.

Jay Cross describes how work and learning continue to merge..that learning is overcoming life, that campuses become nothing more than animal parks.

Nigel Paine made important point - he lives to learn, learns to live. We don't support this at the moment

HOWEVER - NP - important to still remove yourself from this FLOW now ad then. Take time to reflect, to connect face-to-face. Reflection gets lost often during informal learning.

Jay - conversation is the most important instructional technology - we need better places to talk, better places to meet, good food, comfortable surroundings...smoking outside of workplaces - an excellent knowledge management tool

Online - an opp to break the rules - speak your own language - esp if anonymous. An online identity doesn't mean full transparency - I'm writing faily honestly here, but in general, does anyone reading this really know who I am?

Alice - the future belongs to those who want it most. Who will those people be? Important to recognise that if I have ideas, I need to find a way to drive them forward.

Grades have little to do with achievement - smart kids nowadays drop out of university.

Learning is social. NO question. Needs to be fun, entertaining, exciting, not just focussed on DOING BETTER. How can I implement this is my own training. It's SO focused on performance. too focused on performance. Need it to be inspiring. eLearning won't work, innovation won't happen if staff don't see learning technologies as an opportunity - something exciting.

Most popular training supports learners in their everyday lives - we need to offer more of this - we have started in DOED - offering online training that helps staff sort out their PC issues at home. Good start. How to offer more?

Need to connect students with experts outside of their own lecturers and tutors. Not a KOLB cycle - the KOLB cycle seems to focus on learners as individuals, learning on their own - we need a KOLB NETWORK. Not just on your own, learning as connected. How would a connected KOLB cycle look? I have a diagram that I drew that I will add. Also, KOLB tends to see learning as this thing outside life. Could it be extended... learning and life as one....


This reflection thing gets under your skin - gets to point where you can't do anything, speak to anyone, without reflecting on it, explore how that particular comment might relate to your own practice. I'ts good. But I still have two caps - I reflect on my work, I reflect on my personal life - need more joined up way of reflecting. But this will involve joining up work and life.

Mobile phones - esp good for supporting informal learning.

How can VLE support KOLBS cycle better? Playback for reflection, conversation, abstraction, experimentation

Smartlab - running some really inspiring projects. So nice for a conference to not just focus on serious business stuff.

Interesting how the little internal discussion I've been having about whether technology effects pedagogy, or pedagogy driving technology is brought up again here, in this conference, full of directors, heads of teaching and learning. Clearly one of those is there a god questions......

Charles - Reuters suggests conversations around pedagogy can often force people to retreat into a formalised structure - Charles - trying to be more driven by outlooks, (not sure what he means by this), sophisticated pedagogy can get in the business Charles wouldn't dream of using the term pedagogy or relating it to performance at Reuters.

Oxford university - using internet to link people to forums, wikis, blogs, they aren't even thinking about CONTENT - VERY INTERESTING! They are using it to EXTEND rather than replace.

Jay C Mobile is about extending your Network, not your desktop

military - allow SMEs to record podcasts directly on their phones and upload directly to web.

David Metcalf - try to tie new approaches into existing initiatives

Mark Oehlert - favourite mobile device? USB key. Making the point - so many increasingly expensive, posh devices - the simplest can often be the most effective - don't be blind to simple technologies. I noticed many uni staff don't have a USB key - this would be a great bit of kit to offer to everyone.

Link to all the great presentations - we need this tool for the Science Centre and all those streaming vids!

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